Thursday, August 15, 2013

LOUD NOISES and the DElL tHat BRokE the TimmEe's (camel's) back!

My family can be loud! The people who currently live in the house where I live are Dana, my sister, her husband Jack (nicknamed Saddaam for his beard), and their child Michelle. Their parents live on a house that’s on the hasha as well.  Small family right? WRONG.  Since I moved in, the people that have stayed here on a regular bases, are Jack’s brother Moke, his son Gontollic. Still not bad right? Wrong again. Since I moved in, here are the people that have come to visit, up to date, and stayed for the most part in Dana and Jack’s house. 
Mok’s wife and children, 1 girl, 2 boys.
Jack’s sister Toya
Some cousins from UB- 3 children
Along with Dana, Jack and Michelle, that is 12 people sleeping on the floor of a kitchen and living room. To make it awkward, I have the only bedroom (with a bed).  Also to be fair, I think Toya slept at her parents house (Pec and Torga).
This weekend:
Dana has been gone because her mother broke her leg, also Michelle. Jack came back.
Jack’s other brother Moggie? Is here from Russia, with his wife and child.
Also Mok is still here with Gontollic
There are old people here too…a women and two men. I think they slept at Pec and Torga’s house.
The kitchen everyone sits and eats in is at Dana and Jack’s Ger. The only shower is at Dana and Jack’s Ger.  Most importantly, the only TV is in Dana and Jack’s living room which is right outside me room.
Ok, so you have a vague picture. Now imagine super thin walls paired with the fact that Mongolian’s (I am not the only one with this complaint) tends to turn up the tv to 50 or 60 everytime they turn it on.  Now close your eyes and fall asleep? Even if it is quite, if it is before 12, there is no way in hell you’re going to sleep. This is why, the moment you drift off, that tv will turn on, and people will be conjugating outside of your room. The tv is so loud they have to talk over it. They are visiting with each other and playing games. I have been jolted awake a number of times drifting off into a state of sleep and then hearing everyone outside of my room having a good time. It does not matter that they have to wake up at 6:30 to go milk the cows; Mongolian’s apparently do not need 8 hours of sleep like many of America’s sleep studies suggest. In the morning, I am awakened as well to them bustling around the kitchen (to which I also share and adjoining wall).  Now, there are family members that sleep through this. As I currently write this, there are people in the kitchen talking up a storm and people sleeping in the living room. I can only assume it is because growing up, they were raised in big families with thin walls.  I accept this as a culture and am becoming a walking zombie myself.  I am even starting to get used to watching tv shows or listening to music to tune them out and relax a bit until everyone goes to bed. 
NOW: THe delle debacle
Everyone that is reading this knows me. I LOVE CLOTHING, SHOES, ACCESSORIES, SCARVES, JACKETS, MAKEUP, pretty much all the girly things that are available. Upon arriving in Mongolia, we were told that our host families would be giving us a Dele (the traditional clothing of Mongolians). A month in as Naddam approached and people were starting to get their delle, I was getting excited.  Some of the women had lowcut, form fitting delths with crazy patterns.  Most everyone’s was tight.  I was thinking, this is going to be great!  Torga was super excited to come to Darkhan to get me mine. I tried it on and it was about 6 sizes too big. It wouldn’t have fit some of the guys I know. She Zoogar zoogar (ed) me to death making me think she would fix it back in Shaammar; and it didn’t happen.  When I realized this would not be rectified, I had my LCF teacher come by. She tried to tell me LCF that it was Zoogar Zoogar (OK, fine, good), and my LCF told her it needs to be taken in.  The appointment would be made Saturday or Sunday.  On Sunday, Torga had not said anything to me, so I called my LCF. Since Toya (her daughter) and Pec (her husband) were at the zoogies (bee’s) it would not be done till later that night.  At 5, I became nervous that it would not happen, and I was assured when they got back from the bees, we would go to Salink to have it fitted. 
The fitting:
11:30 that night, we finally made it to the seamstresses house. Measurements were not taken but rather I was told to put my arms out and she put a needle and thread through one of my armpits.  I knew at that point Torga and I had very different ideas of what kind of delle I wanted. I got my delle back today, the DAY OF NADDAM, when we are supposed to wear it. I was super nervous. Now, don’t get me wrong, it is beautiful, the color that is, and if it was fitted the entire way down, it would also be beautiful; but it is not. It is still entirely too big, at least 2 sizes and the only place that it may somewhat fit, although that is also debatable, are my hips.  I asked for a belt in hopes it would rectify the situation somewhat.  TOrga brought me a slim pink belt (my delle is blue) that she put around my waste and said zoogar zoogar. Now, here are my options: 1 refuse to wear it. Or 2: Rock it so I don’t’ hurt anyone’s feelings.
While it is against all my fashion foe paws I I will rock it. I have a month left and making it uncomfortable over a dress may not be the best idea. I figure I can belt it with a slim white belt I have because it matches the beading in the hat and is closer to the silver and blue.  Plus, since it is long sleeved, I figure I will say I am hot and change about an hour in. Since it is super big, I figure I can wear my clothing underneath and won’t even need to find a tree to change behind! GENIUS! After Naaddaam I will ask my LCF to TAKE me to Sukbataar and I will pay to have the thing fitted properly (add a zipper so it can fit perfectly, cut off the long sleeves, and have them shorten the skirt). I am feeling fairly good about this decision and by swearing in all will be rectified.  It also helps that the only people who will know me at Naadaam will be my fellow Peace Corps Volunteers. I will just be perceived as a silly American in Mongolian attire! I have to go now, as my shower is singing to me (signaling that the water has heated up) and it woke up my brother, Mok-something-or-other from his nap (It’s bad but, I am feeling pretty giddy about waking someone else up for once!)

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