Thursday, August 15, 2013

7/29/13 ThE ThInGS We DO FoR LoVe!

It’s Sunday night and I have finally decided to write my update for last week.  Everyone was pretty exhausted by the end of last week, and after two weeks straight of activities was ready for some rest and relaxation.   It was a pretty uneventful week until Friday struck…
I woke up Friday morning with a bit of bounce in my step.  I was ready to begin my Friday so I could enjoy the weekend with some much needed river action and PEV (beer). We also had our final interviews for site placement. Friday started like any typical day, I got up, took a shower, got dressed in a steller interview ensemble, ate breakfast and went on my way to school ipod in hand.  When I got to school, a mile uphill later, I wasn’t quite ready to give up my ipod. I was listening to Radioactive and imagining a pretty neat dance to go along with it. So ipod in tow, I hit the jarlong before class.  Now, I am not quite sure how it happened but somehow, my ipod slipped out of my hand and into the jarlong it fell. Mouth opened all I could do was look on despairingly, as my headphones and ipod disconnected and it fell into the disgusting abyss.  Seriously peeved at my mistake, I yelled out some obscenities and looked into the foul hole to see if I could find it; and I did.  So, I did what any normal, music loving individual would do; set out to get my ipod back. I initially tried to tie some plants together thinking; I could somehow reach my beloved. However, this was not the case at all. It was time to complain to mini nadz (my friends).  Cal stepped forward with an idea that scared the crap out of me (pun intended). He would hold my feet while I went in head first.  I shot that down on the spot, and he instead found a long pole we could use. We tried to create a scoop by attaching a discarded noodle cup to the pole, but after attempting this mechanism, it became obvious that it was not going to work because of the angle of the cup and the angle of the iPod.  With no other option, I did the unthinkable. I took off my shirt, held my breath, entrusted my cleanliness and ankles to Cal and stuck the top half of my body (and most of my calves) into the jarlong to retrieve my precious iPod that held over three days of music on it. A few seconds later, I had it in my hot little hand and was attempting my ascent out of the rancid hole.  I have to say in those seconds I was attempting to get out of the hole, there was a definite moment of terror as Cal expressed that I seemed to be slipping.  Luckily, he somehow managed to hold on long enough for me to reach the sides of the jarlong and pull myself up. If I had fallen, no amount of therapy could have rectified that traumatic experience. 
Initially, I was concerned that my ipod wouldn’t work.  After much sanitization, its battery drained completely and the screen appeared damp within. So, I stuck it in rice overnight.  After sanitizing it with wet wipes, sanitizer, and soap and taking three showers in two days I am happy to report it and I are clean and effectively sanitized. I am also ecstatic to report that neither my iPod nor I have had any Post traumatic effects. In going down the jarlong to retrieve my IPOD, I have learned two things. 1. I will do anything for my music. 2. I will NEVER, EVER take another object into that wretched place again, and 3. Sometimes you can surprise yourself. When you think you are too proud to do something, when faced with the reality of a situation, you will do just about anything to get what you want!
The rest of the weekend was fairly uneventful. I enjoyed the heat of the sun next to the river on Saturday, and on Sunday I lounged around and studied a little before going to Virginias to make friendship bracelet with PCV’s and their Doo’s (little sisters). It was a fantastic, and virtually uneventful weekend, but I have to say, after Friday’s debacles’, I am a-ok with that!

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