Tuesday, September 17, 2013

SepTeMbeR 17, 2013 Хэзээ (what time)? MoNGoLiAn TiMe!

I arrived at my destination (the gym) last night at 5:30, the time that the dance would be starting. At 6:30-7 баш (pronounced Bagsh {teachers}) started arriving. They showed me the dance and there were approximately 45 seconds to a minute in. At around 7:45 the бүжиг баш (dance teacher {Bugic bagsh}) arrived and within 20 minutes I was told to sit down. Now, when she arrived there was some very large discussion about where I would be placed so I can only assume that once a Mongolian dance has started, choreographing people in is not possible. Yes, I was kicked out of the dance! As I am leaving to go home...It's 8:30 at night by this time, I am told I will be apart of another dance. Today, around 5, I was then asked if I would do my Mongolian dance by myself for the 90th anniversary. When I responded I would but didn't have access to the music for it, a teacher said she would get it at my school and I would need to audition my dance for the ceremony. While I am still slightly perplexed by the events that have taken place around the dance for the past couple of days, I keep telling myself that this is Mongolia and Mongolian time, and I will just need to continue to go with the flow!

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