I had a special Olympics and it was small but wonderful..It happened in December and 11 athletes attended. Volunteers from the teachers college and the social work college helped with the activities. It was just lovely. The day before the competition, we had a health training that taught athletes and parents healthy eating and stretching skills. The children seemed to have a great time and I think the parents were pleased as well. Special Olympics Mongolia provided funding for the metals, and FLOM provided funding for lunch and snacks during the trainings. The local bed and breakfast Fairfields donated sandwiches and soups for the event as well.
Like most activities it was not completely smooth sailing. We got to the gym and it was being used for vollyball. My CP had double booked with the school director so I was anxious that it would not work out. Thanks to fairfield staff, they talked to the team and explained that they would not play and that this event was for children with disabilities. After going back and forth we were told we could use the gym for an hour and a half. We finished the jumping portion and the shotput portion (with a regular soft dodge ball) in the music gym. After athletes received their medals for first second and third place, hugs were given all around. It was so amazing to see how happy parents and children were alike.
While coordinating a project can be difficult at times, when it is completed and is successful it feels wonderful. If there were no barriers in place and everything was simple and easy going it would be difficult to be as excited at the conclusion of it's success!
Initial meeting with the social workers. I brought in the athletes that had gone to Special Olympics Mongolia to discuss their experiences.
Students Learning about Healthy foods

Students learning how to stretch before working out!
Competition day!

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